
This webpage is a collection of APIs for various artificial intelligence algorithms I've implemented.

Boolean Retrieval

Boolean retrieval is like a search engine. We can upload text documents for them to get indexed. This allows us to search them using keywords in a boolean query. Our boolean query consists of keywords joined by operators, AND or OR, and prioritized using parenthesis. Take this query for example:

Romeo AND Juliet OR (Hamlet AND Shakespeare)
This is searching <all documents with Romeo and Juliet keywords> then <all documents with Hamlet and Shakespeare keywords> and returning all documents from either of these.

We can query documents using a boolean query. This includes searching by words, operators (AND, OR), and parenthesis.


The example dataset we query includes all of Shakespeare. We can find the source data here.


The full API and its specification is available at https://ai.elk.gg/boolean_retrieval/docs.